Wednesday, July 16

Metrolink / Gloendale - It Is Finally Over

Hello all,

Well after 3 1/2 hours of deliberation in the sentencing phase of the trial, the defendant was sentenced to life in prison without the possibiliry of parole. That comes from the guilty verdicts for 11 murders and the guilty verdict for special circumstances.

As you may guess from my ongoing editorial comments, I am disappointed. Murder 11 people, send over 180 to the hospital and you can stil live yourself. Bit of a stretch in my book.

Another issue on this subject came up last week. Seems Metrolink contracts to the Los Angeles County Sherrif (LASO) for providing secutity along the right-of-way. Guess who thinks the LASO is responsible for not doing its' job. Yea, Metrolink filed suit against the LASO for not carrying out its' duties.

Now since we are going nutts with lawsuites, and since LASO lost one of its' own, Why doesn't LASO sue Metrolink for operating in Push Mode with a less sturdy and safe vehicle at the point. Oh yea, no cow-catcher to help out passengers either, much less the engineer / hogger.

My only hope is that someone, somewhere will learn from this so that it is NOT repeated ever again.

As irony would have it, the episode of Law and Order depecting this tragedy rotated through TNT TV last week. Once in the evening and once the next day. The original airing of this episode was just about 6 months after the incident so most of what is in the episode is only based on the initial happening.

I want to let the families of those involved by this disaster know that every contact I have had as host of the Lets Talk Trains show is truly supportive of you and wishes you well. I realize that like me, you may be dissappointed in the final outcome and I do not know how to identify with that. I can only imagine what you must be feeling. If there is anything the show or myself can do to help out, please feel free to let us know. You are in the prayers of myself and the listeners. Go in peace.

There you have it. I had to wait a couple of hours before posting this after I read the Los Angeles Times article that is being passed around to be better calmed to write this blog. Tomorrow is another day.

Onward and Upward. All Aboard!!


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