Thursday, July 31

High Speed Rail, which one????

Hi All,

Well, it seems that the subject of High Speed Rail (HSR) has been 'out there' for a while and is starting to make ground - to somewhere, heaven only knows.

HSR or Bullet Trains are quite successful in various parts of the world in various forms. There is the steel-wheels-on-steel-rails (SWOSR) version, there is the Maglev version and in some cases 120mph is being called HSR.

A lot of hoopla is being thrown around in all cases. Specifically the states of California and Florida are really fledging around with the idea of HSR.

There are also some that say that HSR is more expensive than SWOSR and others that claim quite the opposite. Each situation has it's own factors but can we at least talk common ground based on the right-of-way (ROW) already beig owned by the person/agency/organization that wants to plan a HSR operation?

I have always preferred the Maglev approach based on what I see in the Southern California area. Basically train vs. pedistrian or vs. vehicle is very common, way too common for my liking. So, guess what could reduce or eliminate such activity, getting the ROW spearated from vehicle/pedistrian traffic. Why not?

There is even one forward thinking well established businessman in the San Diego area which has proposed a Maglev between the San Diego Airport and the Los Angeles Airport. The plan has fallen on deaf ears although it sure has it's merits.

So, as a country, where should we go? What should be the goal? What technology should we use?

If you happen to have some real facts on this subject, feel free to email us at: ltt {AT] We are interested.

In the meantime, if you are reading this before the August 2, 2009 LTT show, consider joining in on the conversation. Also, if you are not already a part of our eList, just click on Free Subscription and get the weekly updates on the show content.

In the meantime, be sure to have fun 'out there' and above all, be safe!

Lets Talk Trains

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