Tuesday, January 13

Lets experiment a little

Hello All,

Hey, we are getting used to the new platform for the show, Blog Talk Radio (BTR). It is going pretty well and there are more things to 'look into' as far as what BTR has available.

This Wednesday, 14 Juanary, 8pm Pacific time, we will try out the BTR Chat room. Yea, we use it during the live show but this will strictly be a Chat. This way EngineerRichsrd can take part in it and actually pay attention.

We are doing this as a result of a suggestion to have such a Chat sometime between shows. Let's see how it goes.

If you want to join in this test, just go HERE and look for the Chat Room button. You can sign on as a Guest if you like but you will not be able to send Chat, you will only be able to read as far as I understand it. You can register an ID and have an ivatar and you should be able to fully participate.

We will let everyone know the outcome of this experiment on this Saturdays show. Same URL will get you to the show. That will be at 10am Pacific time on Saturday. Check it out1

In the meantime, enjoy and 'see' you Wednesday and Saturday.


Friday, January 2

Tomorrow is the day!


Well, the time has come, tomorrow we start our journey into Blog Talk Radio for the show. It should be quite interesting.

One concern I have is getting everyone to get 'connected' to the show. I cannot find any definitive answer to how it works but I have been told that there is no way to 'hook into' the feed until exactly 10am Pacific time. So, since this is still an unknown let's just say that the Listen Now link will not take you to the live feed until 10am.

Just remember to listen to the beginning of what you hear and we will talk a lot about which show it is. If you don't hear an identification of the date of the show then I would suggest you go back to the LTT page and click on Listen Now about a minute later.

I have also run into an un-anticipated issue with my cell phone which I sure hope I will get resolved by showtime otherwise it will dirve me crazy in my headphones....to say nothing about driving you crazy too!

So, there we are. Ready to start this trainride with everyone aboard. Enjoy the ride.

All Aboard!!